
Thursday, September 19, 2013

The 12 Days of School

There were a lot of things I anticipated about my first “real” school year I just didn’t think it would all happen so quickly.

On the first day of school my five year old brought to me an invitation to a party.

On the 2nd day of school my five year old brought to me 2 fundraisers and an invitation to a party.

On the 3rd day of school my five year old brought to me 3 new books, 2 fundraisers and an invitation to a party.

On the 4th day of school my five year old brought to me 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers and an invitation to a party.

On the 5th day of school my five year old brought to me 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to a party.

On the 6th day of school my five year old brought to me 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to a party.

On the 7th day of school my five year old brought to me 7 things to write checks for, 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to a party.

On the 8th day of school my five year old brought to me 8 pages of reading, 7 things to write checks for, 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to a party.

On the 9th day of school my five year old brought to me 9 notices of upcoming meetings, 8 pages of reading, 7 things to write a check for, 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to a party.

On the 10th day of school my five year old brought to me 10 pages of information to fill out, 9 notices of upcoming meetings, 8 pages of reading, 7 things to write a check for, 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to  a party.

On the 11th day of school my five year old brought to me 11 requests for play dates, 10 pages of information to fill out, 9 notices of upcoming meetings, 8 pages of reading, 7 things to write a check for, 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an invitation to a party

On the 12th day of school my five year old brought to me 12 reasons why he wants to buy lunch, 11 requests for play dates, 10 pages of information to fill out, 9 notices of upcoming meetings, 8 pages of reading, 7 things to write a check for, 6 more fundraisers, 5 uneaten grapes, 4 pieces of artwork, 3 new books, 2 fundraisers, and an INVITATION TO A PARTY………….


Okay everyone only 9 months to go.


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