
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My First Friend

I grew up with one sister, who is three years younger than I am. I tortured her growing up, but if anyone else messed with her they had to answer to me.  We played all day together…mostly whatever I decided we were going to play but we laughed the whole time.  We got on each other’s nerves but made each other smile.  I don’t remember my life before my sister was born.  Even though I was here for three years before she arrived I always knew her. She was my first friend.  Siblings have a connection that no one else can understand. 

My sister and I can argue but we move on as if nothing ever happened.  We are there for each other through the good times and the bad times.  Friends have come and gone but my sister was always the last one standing, waiting, ready to play when all my friends went home, ready to pick me up when boyfriends broke my heart and cheer me on when success came my way.

When we were little we would play in the backyard for hours together. We would play with our dolls and giggle through our walls until our parents finally said enough time for bed!  Vacations were always fun because we had each other. We would swim all day, watch movies, laugh ourselves to sleep and do it all again the next day.  I spent my whole childhood with no real understanding of just how important my sister would be to me.

I went off to college and my sister stayed behind to finish high school. I missed her all the time.  By the time we were in our twenties we were best friends. We would get ready together, go out together and not a day went by that we didn’t talk to each other. We got each other through bad jobs, awful break ups, and finally both found our happiness. We stood at the altar for each other at our weddings, we got each other through miscarriages and jumped for joy when we were both pregnant. We were both there when our first children were born.  We are the godmother’s to one another’s first born.

She is still the first one I call when I need someone to talk to.  Now that I have two children I know that our parents must be so happy that we are as close as we are. I watch my boys play together and all I can think is be there for one another. There will never be a friend who will understand you the way your sibling does.  There is nothing that brings a smile to my face quite like watching my boys play together, listening to them laugh together, and simply knowing that just like me my oldest doesn’t remember life without his brother. Sometimes when history repeats itself it’s pure perfection.





  1. My boys are opposites. I always loved that they were their own person. But they weren't close when they were little, they had to grow into an appreciation of each other. But it's been fun watching them come to understand each other and form that true respect. My greatest hope was that they would always have each other and it's taken time but it's now clear that the relationship is there.

    1. My boys are still so young. I am sure they will have some big differences. Knowing the relationship is there is great. :)

  2. I love watching my kids interact (in positive ways!). When my girls stay up too late they get silly and giggly and so ridiculous that I just have to laugh with (at) them. When my 14 y/o son takes my 11 y/o son with him to play basketball with his friends it warms my heart. And when any of them stop what their doing to answer the toddler's pretend phone, or catch his wild throw of a baseball for the millionth time, I smile :)
    It's awesome that you have such a great relationship with your sister still!

    1. It really is great isn't it?! The fighting...ugh not so much LOL. I definitely feel lucky that my sister and I are so close. :)

  3. Such a sweet tribute! I only have one brother, but now I have three daughters. I hope that, when they grow up, they will share this kind of special friendship.
