
Friday, June 14, 2013

June Secret Subject Swap-The Invention That Will Change Mothers Everywhere!

Today’s post is part of The Secret Subject Swap hosted by Karen over at Baking In a Tornado My subject is: You're the creator of a magnificent new invention! What is it and why did you invent it? It was submitted by Daily Dose of Damn  This was so fun to participate in and I hope you will have fun reading it.


Mom Brain, according to the Urban Dictionary it is the phenomenon known to mothers where their brains become useless piles of goo after being around their children for too long. I would say this is 100% accurate. My brain has officially become a pile of goo. I will walk into a room on a clear cut mission but once standing in said room I couldn’t tell you what that mission was even if you offered me money.  I go to the grocery store with a full written list in my hands yet somehow I get home and find out I have forgotten at least three things on that list.  I have been known to have full conversations with my husband and forget the content completely. It’s awful. I for one am sick of it. I want my brain back. So it got me thinking there has to be something that will help my goo turn back to brilliance. (Okay that may be pushing it but stay with me).

I’ve invented something and you are going to want it. The other night I was sitting in my bed stretched towards the wall while trying to tweet on my charging phone and it hit me, why can’t we recharge our brains? So mom’s I invented the brain recharger. It’s simple really and requires no electricity. Please let us not take up another outlet as they are all filled with phones, lap tops, IPads, IPods, and the like.  The mommy brain recharger comes in one simple package. You send away for it at and 5 weeks later (when we remember to send it to you) it arrives on your doorstep. When you open the box you will find, bubble bath,  wine, an unbreakable wine glass, ear plugs, an eye mask, a neck pillow,  a gift certificate for a mani/pedi, a business card for a free babysitting service run by only the best, background checked, Mary Poppins like women. You will also find a mandatory order to take a random 2 hour nap at a paid for hotel while Mary Poppins plays with your little or not so little rug rats. Your house will be clean, dinner will be made and your kids will behave better than you could have ever imagined when you get home. 

The best part is when you get home your brain will be with you mama! You will be able to think again like you did back in college, okay high school, okay whenever you were actually at your best.  You will walk into a room with a purpose and you will not forget what it is. You will have conversations again without losing your train of thought and suddenly thinking about a poop diaper. You will be focused and ON YOUR GAME! The best part is our Bring Me My Brain package comes with a money back guarantee and if you buy it within the next two weeks and mention this post you will get the package valued at *Too expensive for you* for 26 easy payments of $19.95. How can you beat that?!  I mean honestly I don’t think you can really put a monetary value on having your brain back do you?

So what are you waiting for pick up the phone and dial: 1 800-my-brain-is-goo these packages won’t last long. 


Disclaimer: Not all mom brains can be cured with one package. Some women may require a series of packages before seeing a noticeable difference. Some women have been known to order repeatedly. You may experience sadness once you are finished with the package.  Under no circumstances are you to hold the baby sitter hostage. Once you return home she goes home. Some women may lose motivation to return to normal household duties.
This woman clearly took it too far.
Some women may hide in the bathtub for longer than expected. If any of these side effects should occur please don’t call us we barely have time to send out the packages let alone answer the phone.


The preceding post is a work of fiction an invention or fabrication as opposed to fact. If you should attempt to call 1800-my-brain-is-goo or visit you will be met with disappointment.

This has been a work of fiction sponsored by Baking In A Tornado and inspired by Daily Dose of Damn 

Go take a look at the other June Secret Subject Swaps. It’s fun and no one ever gets hurt I promise.                                 Baking In A Tornado                    Searching for Sanity                    Black Sheep Mom                              Indian American Mom                     Daily Dose of Damn              A Working Mom's "Whoas"                         Dawn’s Disaster                         Akashic Aisles:The Basement View                    The Pursuit of Normal                                   Home on Deranged                          Evil Joy Speaks



  1. I clicked on the link! Sad face...I want one and I seriously think you could market and sell that! Think it know, if you have the brain power. Beautiful job!

  2. Sign me up! I'll give you a credit card, just keep sending them . . .

  3. oh man! I actually *did* click on the link! :D Sounds perfectly lovely and you'll make millions when you do invent it! ;)

  4. Oh my gosh, hysterical post! I loved it :) And I soooo need a brain recharger! Do you have a discount for blog buddies??

    1. Thank you! :) Yes you my friend get a discount for sure.

  5. This is awesome!! I was wondering, though, are substitutions possible? I'd like to trade in the wine for a margarita. Would that be allowed? Other than that I would this package over and over and over. And i don't even need to add yet another chord to keep track of for charging? You're the bomb!

    1. Um...YES!! I love a margarita as well. Maybe themed mommy packages are in order.

  6. I am so glad you included the side effects. I am also glad you reminded me that this was fictional, bc my goo had forgotten by the time I got to the end. Such a lovely, lovely dream.

  7. Just wonderful, and yes, I clicked on the link. sigh. I cannot tell you how many times a day I walk into a room and totally forget why I'm there. Wait, what did you say? Anyway, I cannot tell you how many times a day I walk into a room...awww, sh*t.

  8. I'd like to subscribe, please. Sign me up!

    1. You got it! Oh wait I will probably forget by the time I get around to it. ;)

  9. I must tell you this is an excellent post. 카지노
